Frequently asked questions about Portable Long Service Leave.

What is the difference between long service leave and portable long service leave?

In South Australia, most employees accrue long service leave under the Long Service Leave Act 1987 and must be employed with one employer for ten years to be entitled to long service leave (or seven years for a pro-rata payment). The portable scheme was introduced following negotiations between employers and unions in the 1970's, as due to the nature of the construction industry, workers performing building, electrical or metal trades work tended to change employers more often and couldn't stay with one employer long enough to accrue long service leave. The portable scheme allows workers to accrue long service leave benefits for work covered by the scheme, regardless of the number of employers they have worked for.

Am I required to register?

The scheme covers employees who work for more than 3 days in any month (each of at least 5 hours) predominantly on-site to perform building, electrical or metal trades work, in a classification of worker referred to in the Building and Construction General On-Site Award 2010, Joinery and Building Trades Award 2010, Plumbing and Fire Sprinklers Award 2010 or the Electrical, Electronic and Communications Contracting Award 2010. Please refer to our coverage tool to see if you are required to register.

How do I register?

Please fill in the application form online.

When was the scheme introduced?

The scheme commenced 1 April 1977.

How is the scheme funded?

The scheme is funded by a levy paid by employers based on 2.00% of their worker's remuneration (excluding apprentices who are levy free). This money is invested and used to pay long service leave entitlements and scheme administration costs.

What is the current levy rate?

The current levy rate (applicable from 1 Jan 2019) is 2.00% of worker's remuneration.

What is remuneration?

When completing Employer Returns, you must calculate the levy payable based on the total remuneration earned by each of your workers during the return period. Please refer to How to complete Employer Returns to see what to include and exclude in remuneration.

Are the levies tax deductible?

Yes, levies paid by employers are tax deductible in the financial year they are paid.

Can the levies be deducted from my employee's wage?


Do I register casual employees?

Yes, if your casual employee works 3 or more days in a month (of 5 or more hours per day) performing building, electrical or metal trades work you are required to register them.

Can an employee who has been paid long service leave by Portable Long Service Leave work during their scheduled leave?

No, long service leave is time for employees to take a break from work, relax and recharge, so if an employee has been paid to take long service leave by Portable Long Service Leave, they cannot work during their nominated leave period. Penalties apply. If you urgently need to recall your employee due to an unexpected issue, please contact us.

Can you provide me with a report of our workers current long service leave entitlements?

You can login anytime to view the entitlement of current employees.

I have been asked to provide a certificate of currency. Can you assist?

A certificate of currency can be downloaded through the Employer Portal.

How do I make levy payments?

The preferred method of payment is BPAY, although Electronic Funds Transfers, credit card payments and cheques are accepted. Payment reference details are shown in your return summary and also on your invoice.

Are working directors required to register with the scheme?

No, working directors are not required to register with the scheme. If the director has service accrued from previous employment as a construction worker, and if they have accrued less than 2,600 service days, they can join our voluntary working director scheme. Working directors cannot be registered with the scheme as an normal employee.

I have a new employee, how do I register them with Portable Long Service Leave?

New workers can be added any time through the Employer Portal. You can add new workers one at a time or use a spreadsheet template to upload multiple workers at the same time. New workers can also be added when you complete your Employer Returns.

What happens if one of my employees transfers to or from a role that requires registration in the scheme?

Please refer to the Moving In And Out Of The Scheme.

I am no longer employing workers covered by the scheme, how do I cancel my registration?

Please log into the Employer Portal and complete a cancellation request. All Employer Returns will need to be lodged and workers terminated.

My worker no longer performs work covered by the scheme and has not accrued 1,820 days to be eligible for a pro-rata payment. What happens to the levies paid into the scheme?

Levies and investment earnings covers long service leave payments as well as scheme administrative costs. If a worker does not accrue 1,820 service days, they are not entitled to a payment. We have no discretion in this matter.

How does my employee apply for long service leave?

Your worker will need to submit a claim through the Worker Portal. You will need to approve the leave dates through the Employer Portal. You may also be asked to provide further information regarding the worker's rate of pay.